Articles | Volume 13, issue 21
Reviews and syntheses
 | Highlight paper
04 Nov 2016
Reviews and syntheses | Highlight paper |  | 04 Nov 2016

Effects of ocean acidification on pelagic carbon fluxes in a mesocosm experiment

Kristian Spilling, Kai G. Schulz, Allanah J. Paul, Tim Boxhammer, Eric P. Achterberg, Thomas Hornick, Silke Lischka, Annegret Stuhr, Rafael Bermúdez, Jan Czerny, Kate Crawfurd, Corina P. D. Brussaard, Hans-Peter Grossart, and Ulf Riebesell

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Ocean acidification impacts bacteria–phytoplankton coupling at low-nutrient conditions
Thomas Hornick, Lennart T. Bach, Katharine J. Crawfurd, Kristian Spilling, Eric P. Achterberg, Jason N. Woodhouse, Kai G. Schulz, Corina P. D. Brussaard, Ulf Riebesell, and Hans-Peter Grossart
Biogeosciences, 14, 1–15,,, 2017
Ocean acidification decreases plankton respiration: evidence from a mesocosm experiment
Kristian Spilling, Allanah J. Paul, Niklas Virkkala, Tom Hastings, Silke Lischka, Annegret Stuhr, Rafael Bermúdez, Jan Czerny, Tim Boxhammer, Kai G. Schulz, Andrea Ludwig, and Ulf Riebesell
Biogeosciences, 13, 4707–4719,,, 2016
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Spring bloom community change modifies carbon pathways and C : N : P : Chl a stoichiometry of coastal material fluxes
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Cited articles

Allgaier, M., Riebesell, U., Vogt, M., Thyrhaug, R., and Grossart, H.-P.: Coupling of heterotrophic bacteria to phytoplankton bloom development at different pCO2 levels: a mesocosm study, Biogeosciences, 5, 1007–1022,, 2008.
Amthor, J.: Respiration in a future, higher-CO2 world, Plant Cell Environ., 14, 13–20, 1991.
Badr, E.-S. A., Achterberg, E. P., Tappin, A. D., Hill, S. J., and Braungardt, C. B.: Determination of dissolved organic nitrogen in natural waters using high temperature catalytic oxidation, Trend. Anal. Chem., 22, 819–827, 2003.
Berggren, M., Lapierre, J.-F., and del Giorgio, P. A.: Magnitude and regulation of bacterioplankton respiratory quotient across freshwater environmental gradients, ISME J., 6, 984–993, 2012.
Bermúdez, J. R., Winder, M., Stuhr, A., Almén, A. K., Engström-Öst, J., and Riebesell, U.: Effect of ocean acidification on the structure and fatty acid composition of a natural plankton community in the Baltic Sea, Biogeosciences Discuss.,, in review, 2016.
Short summary
We performed an experiment in the Baltic Sea in order to investigate the consequences of the increasing CO2 levels on biological processes in the free water mass. There was more accumulation of organic carbon at high CO2 levels. Surprisingly, this was caused by reduced loss processes (respiration and bacterial production) in a high-CO2 environment, and not by increased photosynthetic fixation of CO2. Our carbon budget can be used to better disentangle the effects of ocean acidification.
Final-revised paper